Things You Need to Know about Current Global and National Threats to Your Personal Security


U.S. Threat Board - Summary
Overview of Key Threats to Your Personal Security


 LAST UPDATED: Jan 31, 2025 

Retired four-star General says the US is in a pre-war era leading to a 'global war'
Nov 11, 2024 | 5 min | Fox News

 Citizen Dave, Editor of Threat Board .info
"I believe we are entering a 10 year period of global war. This will be the first war that begins on the U.S. Home Front through the hacking, crippling of our power grid, water, utilities, and infrastructure we rely upon for our daily survival.  Knowledge is Power. Preparedness is Wisdom, Love, and Survival for ourselves and our families."

Without Electricity... Can You Live Like It's 1880!? 

The Power Grid being hacked/disabled if at war.

“If the grid went down for a long enough time…
90 percent of the U.S. population would die from starvation, lack of water, and social disruption.  We are talking about total devastation.”
-- Ambassador Henry Cooper, Former Director of U.S. Strategic Defense

HOTSPOT:  China-Taiwan

War with China?   EXPECTED    RISING 

China's 'Messianic' Totalitarian Leader Planning a Taiwan War with the U.S. in 2027
Some Experts say as soon as 2025

HOTSPOT:  Russia & Ukraine

War with Russia?   HIGH    RISING 


OCT 1st UPDATE: NATO continues its build up in East Europe in preparation for war with Russia.
OCT 31st UPDATE: North Korean troops enter the Ukraine combat zone.

Due to the fact that the U.S. and NATO countries are very heavily supporting and suppling Ukrainian military forces, it would be foolish not to acknowledge that the U.S. & NATO countries are in a 'de-facto' state-of-war with Russia.

ON A KNIFE'S EDGE (meaning)
Tensions are so very high between the U.S. and Russian military, any close proximity of our militaries could easily break out into shooting, which could also lead to a direct hot war.  In the Black Sea, the Russian military has already been caught significantly threatening U.S. military sea and air operations in international sea and air space - including the downing a U.S. drone. Russian missiles have also struck several NATO countries that border Ukraine.

Putin's War Against the West
Assassinations, Sabotage, Espionage, Cyberwar
Nov 11, 2024 | 22 min | CBS 60 Minutes

Russia recruiting Iran-backed Houtis in Yemen as troops for Ukraine war. Russia in Discussion to Provide Houtis Anti-Ship Missiles to Strike US Ships
Nov 25, 2024 | 3 min | Fox News

Ukraine has reportedly fired British-made storm shadow missiles into Russia for the first time
Nov 20, 2024 | 2 min | Sky News Australia

Biden makes Bombshell Ukraine announcement
Putin loosens Nuclear Weapons Use Policy
Nov 17, 2024 | 5 min | Sky News Australia

HOTSPOT:  Iran & the Middle East

War with Iran?   HOT 

Since the 1980s, the nation of Iran has long been engaged in an "undeclared' shooting war with the United States directly through official Iranian military forces and through third-party Iranian-backed military forces throughout the Middle East. Israel and other Western nations have also been a part of this reign of terror.

IF NOT NOW? WHEN!? Will the U.S. and Israel Go to War NOW with the Decades Old Terrorist Government of Iran? or Later when they can arm their existing long-range ballistic missiles with Nuclear Weapons?

Iran Launches Major Ballistic Missile Attack on Israel

Oct 1, 2024 | 7 min | NBC News

HOTSPOT:  North Korea

War with North Korea?   HIGH    RISING 


Over the past few years, North Korea has abandoned peaceful relations with the West, strengthened trade and alliances with Iran, China, and Russia, placed themselves on an aggressive 'war-footing' (preparing for war), significantly increased their pace of weapons development, and increased provocative military actions in harassment of South Korea and Japan.

Why North Korea wants a War
May 2024 | 15 min | DW News (Germany)

Oct 31 UPDATE:  10,000 North Korean Troops are in Russia and have entered the Western Russia Ukrainian Combat Theater of Operations. NATO intelligence says 8,000 are being combat trained to use Russian tech for combat and expect to enter active combat in Ukraine within days.

North Korea is a rogue, extreme totalitarian and self-isolated nation-state with nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that has a history of aggressive and provocative military actions with western-aligned democratic nations including Japan and South Korea.

North Korea is bordered by China, Russia, and South Korea

The United Nations, led by the United States, went to war (1950-1953) with North Korea. No peace treaty was ever signed - and technically a state of war still exists. A DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) was established and a military stand-off between South Korea, the United States and North Korea has existed ever since.

North Korea is a major exporter of nuclear weapons technology and a major exporter of military weapons and technology, including ballistic missile tech. North Korea is credited with sharing/selling this weapons technology to Pakistan and Iran. North Korean weapons have been found on the battlefield in Ukraine used by the Russian military.

Cyber War - Hacking:    HOT  ONGOING CYBER WAR 

NEW REPORT - Russian, China, Iran, and North Korea have built 'state-sponsored' cyber armies that already have an existing track-record of attacking, spying on, and infiltrating nations' power grids and energy sectors, including governments, military, intelligence services, civilian infrastructure, banking, and businesses.  For decades, Russia and China operated as a "safe haven" for international cyber criminal gangs/networks, by encouraging their development and growth in targeting western and pro-western countries.

The U.S. Power Grid will not be the only likely first targets of Russian, Chinese, and Iranian hackers prior to or after an 'all-out' shooting war starts. Banking, Business, Energy pipelines, Manufacturing, Infrastructure (like transportation, water, and sewage treatment) are also main targets.


Former Head of U.S. Cyber Command decodes China’s ‘Strategic Message’ to the US
Jan 15, 2025 | 9 min | Fox Business

Interview with Keith Alexander, former commander of U.S. Cyber Command, retired 4-star general, former director of the National Security Agency.

U.S. Power Grid:   HIGH 


Russia, China, and Iran have Power Grid & Infrastructure Hackers and have a history of using them. In a shooting war, the U.S. Power Grid will be among the first to be attacked.

FBI Director Christopher Wray explains
China's threat to U.S. Cyber Security
"The Defining Threat of Our Generation"
January 2024

The Biggest Threats to America’s Critical Infrastructure
April 2023

U.S. Power Grid at Risk of Attack
February 2022

U.S. Economy:   RECESSION 

Main concern is a war with China triggering the greatest economic depression in U.S. History. The current Recession is mainly self-inflicted due to inflation caused by government out-of-control spending, printing of money, and leftist war against U.S. Energy Independence. [see video]

U.S. Food Supply:   MEDIUM 


Significant increased food costs of well over 25% in the United States and an ever increasing world food supply crisis has pushed many Americans into 'survival mode' - making major sacrifices just to keep food on the table.

(at home)
+ 31.05%
source: truflation

The international food supply has affected less wealthy and less food-independent countries much more that the United States - yet it has already impacted parts of Europe. The world food supply remains extremely stressed and on the edge of a serious global crisis due to issues like the war in Ukraine (a major food exporter), regional weather issues, and the shock the global food crisis causing some major food producing countries to ban exports in order to maintain domestic stability.

The U.S. is not expected to be hit as hard as other parts of the world, due to our wealth, blessed geography, variety of U.S. grown food, and historic trading status (most of the world trades with the U.S.).

Farms in in the United States remain at a critical stress levels due to significant jumps in production costs, not having enough fertilizer and diesel fuel to maintain past levels of production. Family farming has continued to become more extinct in favor of large corporate farms, reducing overall food quality.

India Bans Rice Exports to the World
The ban effects about 20% of the world's supply of rice.
The ban does not affect white basmati rice varieties.

July 21, 2023 | 3 min | Sky News UK

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to start a home garden to learn and practice self-sufficient methods of growing your own food. U.S. History from the Great Depression Era and World War 2, shows us the U.S. Government promoted this ideal to help families survive and that it was every home's patriotic duty - this included vegetable gardening and raising chickens. Fishing and hunting skills are also highly encouraged. Practice and learn now by doing and gaining personal experience will provide the best education and knowledge in an extremely stressed war-time crisis economy. Love yourself and love your family - be prepared.  [ MORE ABOUT PREPPING ]

U.S. Domestic Threats:   RISING 

NEW SECTION - Rising Violent Gangs, Crime, Drug and Human Trafficking.

Think you have built for yourself a nice home, a nice family, a nice life, a nice retirement?  Not if they can just come and steal it from you. This is a reality check on the nature of serious criminal threats to peace, order, and safety in our communities.

SEE ALSOChina Criminal Sabotage, Fentanyl, and Chinese Organized Crime Networks

The Most Violent Gang is Spreading Across America
Nov 8, 2024 | 22 min | Task & Purpose
Wikipedia Article on the International Venezuelan Gang: Tren de Aragua

Mexican Drug Cartels Planting Explosives along the Texas Border
Jan 27, 2025 | 7 min | News 4 (WOAI) San Antonio

Trump Closes Southern Border,
Declares War on Drug Cartels and Gangs
Jan 20, 2025 | 5 min | Sky News Australia

Rubio won't rule out Military Force against Mexican Cartels
Jan 15, 2025 | 3 min | PBS NewsHour

Fentanyl fueling Worst Drug Crisis in U.S. History, Killing 70,000 a year
Nov 2024 | 13 min | 60 Minutes

Nuclear Attack:   LOW RISK 

IT IS HIGHLY IMPROBABLE that the leaders of China or Russia would use nuclear weapons - since their first priority is their own self-preservation, survival, and the maintaining of power. The U.S. and western allies hold enough of a nuclear deterrent - and we would use it if attacked first.

E.M.P. Attack:   LOW RISK 

While an EMP would be the most devastating of all types of attacks, one must understand that an EMP Attack (Electro-magnetic Pulse) is actually a nuclear weapons attack - just set off in high altitude versus near the ground.  As previously mentioned, because of the U.S. Nuclear deterrent, that makes this scenario highly improbable. Also understand that an EMP attack is normally the first thing done in a full nuclear strike and civilians having their electronics and power grid destroyed would be the least of their worries.

Would we recommend storing electronic and computer equipment in EMP bags? Yes, but in an order of priority in preparedness, it would be one of the later things we would recommend you buy and use. Every person and family should first focus on the most important things for surviving disasters: long-term storage of food and water, then home and personal defense, then self sustainability (growing food/farming, fishing, hunting), then solar power systems and communications.